Covid-19 Update.

Following the Government's announcement on 10th May 2020 members can now resume fishing on the River Nidd.

Please read and adhere to the following if you intend fishing:

The primary safe practices currently in place concern the prevention of virus transfer from handling and social distancing.

  • Gates, stiles and bridges are the obvious points where cross contamination could occur. Remember, all hard surfaces can be contaminated - some can hold viruses for up to 72 hours. Other surfaces too, but to a lesser degree.
  • Be cautious - assume any surface you must touch is unsafe, take precautions and then leave it clean.
  • Use hand-sanitiser before and after gripping or touching hard surfaces, or suitably strong anti-bacterial wipes, changed regularly.
  • Avoid touching stile uprights at all if you can, I know this may be a little tricky but please try and minimise contact with as many surfaces as possible.
  • Anyone displaying symptoms of COVID-19, or who shares a household with any individual displaying symptoms, should not go fishing and should continue to follow government advice on isolation.
  • When walking the bank, the same social distancing rule as currently in force, i.e. two metres apart, is applicable.
  • When fishing, our normal casting activity will provide adequate safe distancing!

River Nidd

Brown Trout & Grayling Fishing

Scar House Reservoir

Wild Brown Trout Fishing

Nidderdale Trout

Scar House Reservoir Brown Trout

River Nidd Grayling

Grayling Fishing on the River Nidd

River Nidd

Flyfishing on the River Nidd


Trout & Grayling Fishing In Nidderdale

Nidderdale Angling Club controls around 7 miles of fishing on the River Nidd and Scar House Reservoir. Fishing is centred around the pretty village of Pateley Bridge, in the Yorkshire Dales. The River Nidd has a good population of Wild Brown Trout and wild Grayling. Scar House Reservoir, located at the very head of Nidderdale, is an upland Wild Brown Trout fishery. Flyfishing and bait fishing (using float or ledger) are allowed on the club's waters, although some areas are restricted to flyfishing only.

Nidderdale Angling Club is justifiably proud of its long history and traditions. The club was formed in 1897 by a group of local anglers in the Old Oak Inn, in the village of Low Laithe, near Pateley Bridge. Today the club is still providing fine Brown Trout and Grayling fishing for local and visiting anglers, and with a constitution that looks to continue this for future generations by good fishery management and by adopting rules, by-laws, and policies that encourage angling practices sympathetic to the conservation of fish species native to the river. As such we...

Nidderdale is designated as an Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty and borders the Yorkshire Dales National Park. There are many attractions in the area for all the family, e.g. Brimham Rocks, Fountains Abbey, How Stean Gorge, Nidderdale Museum...

Nidderdale Angling Club has also been working hard to improve the habitat for our Wild Brown Trout by creating better conditions to spawn. We are very proud to have been invited to help the Angling Trust create a short film about our hard work in promoting wild re-stocking of our beautiful river. This work has been carried out in conjunction with the Wild Trout Trust.


Membership of Nidderdale Angling Club is available for local anglers

Local Members Subscription 2025/26


Adult £95
(up to 18 years)
Free of charge
(after 10 years membership)

Season tickets are available for anglers not classed as local

Season Tickets 2025/26


Adult £95
(up to 18 years)
Free of charge
(after 10 years membership)

Download the full download club constitution, rules and by-laws

The club's constitution states: "Qualification for membership shall be voting residence within the area of the old Pateley Bridge Union". This is a rule dating back to the formation of Nidderdale Angling Club in 1897. Interesting information about the history of the Old Pateley Bridge Union can be found here:

Please note that it is the applicant's age as of 31st March which shall be applicable.

  • New junior members and season ticket holders will need to complete an application form and be approved by the General Committee.
  • Members and season ticket holders can purchase day tickets for a guest, allowing them to fish all the club waters if accompanied by the member.
  • Subscriptions are to be paid by 31st May.
  • Subscriptions can now be paid by bank transfer. Please contact the Membership Secretary to obtain the club's bank details.
  • If after purchasing and fishing on a day ticket you decide to join the club, the cost of the day ticket will be refunded if produced with your application. Limited to one day ticket only.
  • All enquires regarding membership should be addressed to:-
  • The Membership Secretary
    Nidderdale Angling Club
    Nidderdale Plus
    King Street
    Pateley Bridge
    HG3 5AT


Buy day, week or members guest tickets online or through one of our outlets shown below

We are open again for Daily, Weekly & Guest Tickets 2025/26 Season

Adult Day Ticket - £15 Nidderdale Angling Club - Adult One Day Ticket
Adult Week Ticket - £40 Nidderdale Angling Club - Adult One Week Ticket
Junior Day Ticket (under 16) - £5 Nidderdale Angling Club - Junior One Day Ticket
Junior Week Ticket (under 16) - £15 Nidderdale Angling Club - Junior One Week Ticket

Please note you don't need a PayPal account to purchase tickets, they can be purchased online with a debit or credit card through the above links.

  • A map and list of rules are issued with all day tickets. Please also read the Health and Safety Risk Assesment by Clicking Here.
  • Please note that tickets are only available from 25th March until 28th February. Fishing after 30th September is for Grayling only.
  • Full members may purchase guest tickets for the same price as day tickets. Their guests are permitted to fish all of the club waters but must be accompanied by the full member at all times.
  • If after purchasing and fishing on a day ticket you decide to join the club, the cost of the day ticket will be refunded if produced with your application. Limited to one day ticket only.
  • Daily/Weekly/Guest Tickets are also available from the following outlets:-

Tickets during the Grayling season can only be purchased from these outlets, or online as above.


Nidderdale Angling Club have secured 2 Season Tickets, for the benefit of it's Members and Season Ticket Holders, for the Washburn Valley Fishery. These Day Tickets are availalbe to Nidderdale Angling Club Members and Season Ticket Holders ONLY

Click Here to Access the Member's Area

If you have any questions or issues signing in to the NAC Member's Area then please contact the General Secretary at NAC General Secretary

Information regarding tickets available to the General Public can be found by clicking the following link: Washburn Valley Fishery Information


Nidderdale Angling Club have secured 2 Season Tickets, for the benefit of it's Members and Season Ticket Holders, for the Norton Conyers Estate Fishing on the River Ure. These Day Tickets are availalbe to Nidderdale Angling Club Members and Season Ticket Holders ONLY

Click Here to Access the Member's Area

If you have any questions or issues signing in to the NAC Member's Area then please contact the General Secretary at NAC General Secretary

Click Here for the Norton Conyers Estate Fishing Access Map and Directions


A brief summary Nidderdale Angling Club's rules (all dates are inclusive).
Download the full download club constitution, rules and by-laws

Nidderdale Angling Club's Health and Safety Risk Assessment.
Download the full Download Health and Safety Risk Assessment

Fishing Seasons

  • The trout season opens on 25th March and closes on 30th September.
  • Day tickets are available from 25th March to 14th March.
  • The grayling season starts on 16th June and closes on 14th March.

Bag Limits

  • All wild Brown Trout and Grayling are to be released except at Scar House reservoir where 2 wild Brown Trout over 12" (30.5cm) may be taken.

Fishing Methods

  • All river fishing will be with barbless or de-barbed hooks
  • The following methods are permitted on club waters:
    • Float, ledger & fly. Natural minnow is permitted between 1st July and 30th September (Natural minnow is not allowed at Scar House Reservoir at any time).
    • Bait fishing is permitted on all lengths except the two "fly only" lengths at Glasshouses and Low Green, plus the stretch between Gouthwaite Reservoir and Foster Beck where a maggot ban is in place - (see maps).
    • Ground baiting is strictly prohibited on all club waters.

    Between 1st October and 14th March the Glasshouses length can be fished with bait.

  • The following methods are banned on club waters:-
    1. Swim or float feeders.
    2. Keep nets.
    3. Double and treble hooks.
    4. Single hooks larger than size 12 except when Mayfly or Czech Nymph fishing, when a size 10 will be permitted.
    5. Lead shot.
    6. Spinners, artificial minnows and treble hooks.


  • Juniors under the age of 14 must be accompanied by an adult at all times who must stay in close proximity and will be responsible for the behaviour of the junior.
  • All anglers must carry:-
    1. Membership card, season ticket or day ticket.
    2. A valid E.A. rod licence.
    3. A means of measuring fish.
    4. A landing net, disgorger or forceps and a means of cutting line.
    5. NAC car parking ticket to be displayed in all designated car parking areas.
  • All anglers must produce, when asked by a bailiff or fellow angler, their membership card, season ticket or day ticket.
  • Avoid discarding litter.
  • 2 guest tickets per member, per day are available allowing the guest/s to fish all of the club waters. Guests must be accompanied by the member or season ticket holder at all times.


Nidderdale Angling Club comply with GDPR and have produced a statement which can be read here: GDPR Statement



The GDPR came into force on 25 May 2018.

Nidderdale Angling Club has a mass of records including meeting minutes, expired leases and members’ catch returns, match results and photographs. Some records go back to the formation of the club in 1897 and members and those interested in angling history sometimes contact the club asking to view this information.

  • The club also maintains a list of current members, which changes regularly. Members provide name, address, telephone number, email address and date of birth. The club may in future send ‘club alerts’ by email to members notifying them of working parties, fishery closures and events such as the Junior day.
  • The club may have social media accounts, including a Facebook account, and may in the future post videos of club events on YouTube.
  • The club runs its own website with a photo gallery section.
  • The club has a junior membership for anyone up to 18.
  • The club may run events throughout the year.
  • The club may in future have its own water bailiffs who are part of the Angling Trust Voluntary Bailiff Scheme. They share reports and photographs about suspicious activity affecting the club’s waters internally within the club by email or text message. The General Secretary may contact the police or pass on information about suspected poaching to the Environment Agency or the Angling Trust’s Voluntary Bailiff Scheme.
  • The club has several members who live abroad, but who like to be kept up-to-date and receive the club newsletter.
  • The club has paper as well as computerised records stored by certain members of the Committee.
  1. Old NAC records.
  2. The club is permitted under the new laws to retain these records if it is necessary to do this for:

    • Archiving purposes.
    • Scientific or historical research.
    • Statistical purposes.

    However, the records have actually to be needed for any of these purposes. When retaining old records, where possible any personal data should be made anonymous. This may not be possible or necessary if:

    • To do so would reduce the worth of the document.
    • It would mean hours of searching and working on documents with very little return.
    • It is unclear whether someone mentioned in the records is alive or deceased.

    It is also worth bearing in mind that records that pre-date this data protection era would not have required the consent of members to archive their information at the time. This is not likely to be a problem with the ‘old’ material but it would be better if information collected from now on included consent from the person concerned.

    Finally, the information has to be kept safe and secure and that kept electronically should preferably be encrypted or protected with appropriate IT security. If different Committee members hold records, the club must decide how to keep, transfer or destroy records when they retire from the committee.

  3. NAC Membership records
  4. Membership records bring in several aspects of the GDPR:

    • The processing of a member’s details must be fair, lawful and transparent.
    • The information should not be used for any other purpose without the absolute clear consent of the person to whom the record relates.
    • Only the information needed to keep up membership should be collected.

    To be lawful, the GDPR lists a series of criteria to be met to allow the club to hold the information. The most relevant of these are:

    • Consent - (i.e. the member has given clear, positive permission for the club to hold all of the data provided for a specific purpose)
    • Contract - The information is needed for the performance of a contract between the member and the club, namely the member is paying their subscription and the club is providing their sport.

    There is a strong argument that by deciding to give the club their information members are obviously also giving their consent to it being used or processed. The GDPR does not introduce a requirement to go back and get consent now to hold existing members’ details, it just means that going forward the club should make sure all members have given consent to the club to hold their data for a specific purpose which may not have been stated at the time they applied for membership.

    The Membership Secretary should make reasonable efforts to keep information up-to-date and only keep it for as long as it is needed. If it is necessary to archive it then he should obtain the members consent to do this.

    The club should only collect data that is actually needed. Some types of data used to be called ‘sensitive personal data’ but the GDPR has revised this description and it is now called ‘special categories’. These ‘special categories’ are data relating to:

    • Race/ethnicity, Political opinions Religious/philosophical beliefs, Trade union membership, Sexual orientation, Genetics, Biometrics (e.g. fingerprints).

    Nidderdale Angling Club will not ask for or store any of the above special category data relating to its members.

    It is sometimes necessary to ask for health data, for example, if a junior member attending a club course has a specific health problem. In every case there must be a reason for collecting it. The most relevant are likely to be:

    • The person has given explicit consent.
    • It is necessary to protect the vital interest of that person or another (for example, to make sure that if a person is taken ill on a fishing course, people will know how best to help them).
    • Credit card or debit card - information used to pay membership subscriptions is not in this list of ‘special data’. This information is confidential nonetheless. This information will not be stored and never passed on. Once a member’s information is no longer required it must be deleted/destroyed safely and a record kept that this has been done.
    • Data retention - NAC has a simple retention and destruction policy. Details of lapsed members may be kept for 12 months (in case someone wants to re-join) then destroyed at the end of that time if they haven’t re-joined.
    • Email - In the case of email communications to members, anyone signing up to it should be asked for clear consent to receive these communications. Email messages often list all the people it is sent to and their email addresses. Unless a member has specifically consented to sharing their name and email address with other members the messages should be sent to ‘undisclosed recipients’ and the ‘BCC’ option used to protect members’ personal information.
  5. Social Media
  6. Facebook pages may be available to anyone with access to the site and, as such, the clear consent of someone to include their photograph or video footage of them - even if they are not named - should be sought. Consent would be required even for posting on a private club Facebook group.

    A member’s consent for NAC storage of their data can be withdrawn at any time by the member writing to or emailing the Membership Secretary.

  7. Club website
  8. The club website will be administered in line with the new data protection law requirements. For photo galleries and other information about individuals the same requirements for consent as mentioned in 3 above apply. The club’s privacy statement will be found on the website, but the Membership Secretary must be prepared to send a paper copy to anyone who does not use a computer. The privacy statement should be prominent and easily accessible.

    The club’s data/records retention and destruction policy is as stated above.

    If the website hosts a chat forum it should be monitored, and the club should be prepared to remove postings if necessary.

  9. Junior members
  10. The GDPR states that anyone under the age of 16 cannot make decisions or requests about their personal data, only their parent or guardian can. However, the GDPR allows for Member States of the European Union (such as the UK) to set their own rule. The current draft of the Data Protection Bill lowers this age to 13 and it will probably stay that age when it is made law. The GDPR further states that any communications about data protection to a child should be in clear and plain language that they are likely to be able to understand.

    Communications should be via parents.

  11. Events
  12. Where there is an entry fee, the arrangement between NAC and the participants becomes a contractual one. Even without a fee there is a valid reason to continue collecting and sharing personal data relating to events (known as the “legitimate interests” condition). The consent of all participants in writing when they ‘sign-up’ should be obtained. It will make people more comfortable to know what is being done with their personal data, particularly if the participants are not club members.

  13. Angling-related crime and other offences
  14. The handling of data about poachers and angling-related crime by the police and the Environment Agency will be covered by Part 3 of the new Data Protection Act. This is because GDPR does not specifically cover that type of data and the way that official bodies deal with it. It is dealt with by the EU’s Law Enforcement Directive. NAC can collect and pass on this data under the ‘Public Interest’ criteria in GDPR but as a working rule should only process what is needed and retain it for as short a time as is necessary.

  15. Sending personal data abroad
  16. One area where the law has tightened considerably is where personal data is being sent outside of EU countries. This is because there are no given guarantees about the safety of data processing in those countries. There is a potential security risk in sending NAC newsletters to members abroad. If such members give explicit consent for this then it is acceptable. Alternatively, if sending the newsletter is part of the contract between the member and the club (i.e. they have paid their membership subscription and a club newsletter is a membership benefit) there is an exception or ‘derogation’ to send the club news. The newsletter may of course contain other people’s personal data and it is a good idea to make sure that all members know that newsletters may be sent abroad.

  17. Paper and electronic records

The new Data Protection principles are:

  • That data should be processed lawfully, fairly and transparently
  • It should only continue to be held and used for the initial reason it was obtained
  • The data collected should be adequate for NAC administration, remain relevant and limited to what is necessary
  • It needs to be accurate and updated when necessary. An obvious example of this is any important medical information about members that has been provided by the member to ensure that the club can respond appropriately if the member is taken ill on a course or on club property
  • It should only be kept for as long as it is needed
  • It should be kept appropriately safe and secure
  • All Committee members need to keep paper records securely filed under lock and key. Electronic records should ideally be encrypted. Strong computer passwords are also recommended. Both paper and electronic records should be kept safe from fire and flood. Committee members who hold paper membership records must shred them before throwing them away

Finally, if something does go wrong, the Membership Secretary or General Secretary are responsible for reporting to the Information Commissioner within 72 hours of discovering a data breach but only if it represents a high risk to the data subject’s privacy rights.

Problems may be put to the Information Commissioner’s Office by calling their dedicated helpline aimed at small organisations on 0303 123 1113 and select option 4. Alternatively, check whether the resources published on the Information Commissions’ website give an answer:

© Nidderdale Angling Club


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© Nidderdale Angling Club

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